Battery And Charger Planned Maintenance
The following is a breakdown of what Cisco has to offer through our Planned Maintenance Program. Manufacturers recommend planned maintenance service on the batteries at least 2 times per year and the chargers once every year. Any repairs needed are based on time and material. Cisco Inc. technicians are factory trained on all makes and models of industrial batteries and chargers.
Battery PM Service Includes:
- Full inspection report (voltages per cell and acid concentration)
- Proper watering
- Safety item inspection (tips, connectors, and OSHA related items)
- Cables inspected for damaged insulation, frayed copper strands and signs of heat
- Topical neutralization of electrolyte. (complete removal of corrosion will need to be serviced in our shop - not included)
- Cell covers inspected for damage - vent caps checked for proper gas venting
- Compound sealing is inspected for damage (if applicable)
- Any supplies that may be needed are not included
Charger PM Service Includes:
- Charger start rates, finish rates, voltage-current characteristics are measured
- Charger transformer outputs are verified
- Ammeter is checked for calibration
- Cables are inspected for damaged insulation, frayed copper conductor strands and signs of heat
- Connector contacts are inspected for wear and pitting, connector housings are inspected for cracks and spring tension, and all connecting devices are checked for signs of heat
- Charger is cleaned internally to remove dirt and debris
- Charger high current connections are tightened and inspected for heat
- Any supplies that may be needed are not included